This is my little Grandson Archie James, who was born 4 months ago, with Cleft Palette and lip. While, apparently this problem is quite common, it is still a real concern to one's family when it happens to you. My son and daughter-in-law have been very positive all the way through the ordeal (after their initial shock ). It was determined as early as their 12 week ultra-sound, that their baby was going to have a cleft lip, but could not determine how badly he was effected or if it was his palette as well.

As it turned out, it was his palette as well... and he'll have to go in again in a couple of months to have that fixed.
Here he is a few days before his operation.

This is him right after the surgery... the op was Monday 23rd April.

The guard across his mouth, is obviouly there to protect his mouth and nose from being knocked or touched etc... He also had to have his little arms in splints, so as to prevent him from putting fists in his mouth or touching his face.

This photo was taken on the Friday after most the stitches had been taken out, and he was ble to have his 'bull-bar' removed.

This photo was sent to me last week. It has been 3weeks since the operation. Just look at his sweet little 'button' nose... isn't he just sooo cute!!! LOL... am I a proud Grandma, or what???