What a 'great' day my group, (called "The Arty Tarts") had last Friday...
Our workshop was with "Powertex" sculpting-modeling.
Pictured here we have (L>R), our tutor - Jeannie, Jan, Judy, and Wilma... ( I was taking the photo LOL), taking in some very important information about what we were learning.
Would you believe, from an old T-shirt, a paper-mache face mask, an old frame with a backing board, along with a few bits and pieces, that we all produced these wonderful works of art.
On the left is Jan's creation - "Lady 'J' "
Next we haveWilma's wonderful piece, called - "Alyce" (right)

On the left is Judy's masterpiece and she is called
"The Ghostly Goddess"

Now, last of all we have my own creation... and I'm really not sure what to name her yet. I think she looks like "Lacey Lucy" others have suggested "The Iron Maiden"
We all really did have a very interesting day - one way and another...
The product we used to harden our sculptures is called "Powertex Textile Hardener" and is available through the tutor or there is a web-site - www.astonishing.com.au .