I'd like you to met my GrandChildren:

I'd like to share this picture with all my friends, 'cause I think it is so cute and I'd like you all to meet my Grandchildren. From left to right:- we have Archie James who turns 1 tomorrow. He is the little one at the start of my Blog, who has now has his 'Clef lip and palet' opps.
Next to him is his big brother Angus John who is 34 mths old and as you can see is so caring towards his little cousins.
Then we have Laura Catherine who is the elder of the twins (by 5 minutes) and her sister Elizabeth Anne or 'Lizzie', they are 16 mths old.
I am still reliving the past fortnight, in my memories and thoughts... It really was so wonderful to have my 2 boys with their wives and families, here for Christmas. We haven't been together like that for many, many years. Now with littlies as well, it is was something very special.
They have all gone home now and the house seems so quite and empty... I'll just have to keep very bust with my sewing and crafty things...