My February Block - RED
Well I have finally completed five blocks for my wall hanging "Jewel Box". These blocks are a part of my contribution to the CCJP Blog 2012... I am enjoying the small blocks very much, I have always wanted to do some 'Tone-On-Tone' crazy, and I saw this as my perfect chance...
This my Red Block
Some SRE roses to fill a patch...
This little treasure was given to me on an "Inchie" some years ago, it was such a perfect shade to match my block I had to use it...
My March Block - Blue
Here is my Blue Block - I had so much fun embellishing this one. I love blue...
This the top part of the block, again my pine-cones have been added. These are my common theme in all blocks...
Now here's a close up of my majestic dragonfly,it was so much fun, bringing him to life.
My April Block - Green
This my green block, I found this one very hard to bring together. Just using green threads didn't work, so added some shades of tan, yellow...
This is another Paisley, but the first one on these blocks...
Here's a close up of my 'Pine Cones' and my Shell stitch. Oh and another Spider-web. The small flowers on the right are Mokuba Rosettes, made from picot ribbon..JPG)
My May Block - Yellow - 'Imagine'
My yellow block is a little bit brighter that this photo shows, it will be another addition to my "Jewel Box" wall hanging...
My "Pine Cones" in the middle and various stitches - and my 'Imagine' embellishment...
I'm now working on my June block - Pink... I'm also working on an Round Robin I have joined with the SSC Yahoo Group. I also have another 2 blocks to do for the "Christmas Cracker" Swap.
So stay tuned for more of my work in the next few months...