I have just had a really lovely "Mother's Day" today, even though it has just been Ray & I here. First of all I had a wonderful 'virtual' breakfast from my No. 2 son, with a phone call about 9:30am to see how I liked it. My little grandson said into the phone "Happy Mother's Day Grandma" . From No. 1 son I received in the mail on Friday a voucher for as massage and a lovely card. Also a card from my twin grand-daughters. Then a phone call this arvo, to see how my day had been. Then this evening after Ray had cooked dinner for me, I received another phone call from No. 3 (step) daughter. This has prompted me to place on my Blog some photos of my Anniversary Quilt I made for my Mum & Dad....

I thought it high time I published some photos of my quilt, which I made
in 2005 for my wonderful parent's "60th Wedding Anniversary". It was their anniversary in September and I decided to make a quilt of some sort at the end of July... Not only did I 'not have much time', but I really had no idea of how to go about it. I did know I wanted to put photos on it, but then had to find them, or get my little sister to find them for me. I also knew I wanted to have some input from all the families as well. So obviously that so a bit of an ordeal as I live so far from all of them. So into the post I place the fabric and pens, for them all to do their 'Congratulating' words of love...

My sister managed to find their "Marriage Certificate" as well, so with fingers crossed, I put it through the photocopier, to print it onto the fabric... so that I could add it to the quilt as well.
Mind you my Mother astounded that we were able to find the photos and the certificate as well. She really was amazed, as to how I was able to print them onto the fabric too.

This is my families block... My boys, their wives, my step-daughter, my hubby and myself all had something to say, even my first grandson had his little hand-print put on it.

This is the middle block... and is my Mum & Dad on their wedding day. I transferred their wedding photo onto plain fabric, the when I had placed the smaller blocks around the photo, I then proceeded to embroider around the edge to embellish the photo.

This block is a photo of me & my siblings, taken on the day of Mum & Dad's 40th wedding anniversary. That makes this picture over 20 years old. I used the bubble-jet set in the process of transferring the photos onto the fabric.

My older sister wrote this story for me, she also did the drawing at the top. It is a drawing of our home on the farm, where we all grow up. I might add the house is still standing I think, but I often wonder how. I have appliqued the butterflies and have some some more embroidery on this block as well.

This is the label I printed for the back of the quilt. The drawing on this block is a second one my sister draw. It is after Dad did a few reno on the house... added bedroom (sleep-out) and a bathroom/laundry. Oh, we girls thought we were in heaven to have our own room.
I trust you have enjoyed looking at my work, and I hope all you Mothers out there, have had a day as wonderful day as I have today. Thank you Mum & Dad for my birthday, and Thank you, family for thinking of me today...