What a wonderful surprise I received in the mail yesterday... Wow, a few weeks ago
Mandy Collins asked me if I'd like another plantlet, from her Africian Violets. Of course I said Yes!!! In her parcel was no less then 7 little pups, one of which has a couple of small flowers on it already. I'm not sure what colours the others are but one has varigated leaves. I'll have to wait to see what the others are, what a wonderful surprise, thanks you so much Mandy.

Mandy also sent me two lovely, very creative ATCs. This one on the left is called "Aurora Australis" and the green one is called 'Dragonflies"
These beautiful pink flowers, are the first flowers that belong to the first pup that Mandy sent me a couple of years ago. It really is the most wonderful shade of pink I've ever seen...